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Are you planning to live forever? If you haven’t figured out how to do that, the clock is ticking. You might have days, weeks, months, years, decades left. What if it’s fewer days, weeks, months or years than you think?
If you’re lucky enough to live to a ripe old age, when your bones ache and you can’t see to drive at night anymore and your friends and family members are passing on, will you be happy with how you spent your life in your more active years?
If you’re reading this, most likely your active time is now, today, this moment. Are you going to spend it glued to your phone or laptop (well, we’re okay if you do that long enough to read this), or are you going to seize the day, make plans, interact with people, see your town or city, your state, your country, the world? Perhaps you’ll come back as a world traveler in your next life, or perhaps you won’t come back at all. Why not hedge your bets and plan a trip now? If not now, when?
We would never underrate the comfort of sitting in your own home enjoying a warm drink and reading a book or watching a favorite Netflix show. But come on. There’s a whole world out there. Our small company shares the best of California with all comers who are adventurous enough to travel and learn. Other tour companies cover virtually every place in the world.
Do you want to start with baby steps? Let us take you on a private tour of San Francisco, with a little bit of history, funky architecture, playful seals, the iconic Golden Gate Bridge, storied Chinatown and much more. Or see Yosemite National Park from our perspective—on a wilderness hike or to the tourist spots—waterfalls, picturesque streams, giant sequoia trees, valleys and mountains—or a little bit of both. Or maybe you’d like to take the ultimate California road trip—up or down the California coast.
It’s a beautiful, wide world out there. Don’t spend all your time in your office or at home. The clock is ticking.