New-Age Corporate Offsites
Escape rooms, Zoom meetings or running with an egg on a spoon — they are all clever ways to enhance your team’s camaraderie, but are they in sync with our post-COVID cravings? Is your team’s travel bug, or more broadly speaking, mental health and happiness, satiated by these run-of-the-mill team building ideas?
California Team Building
Yosemite wilderness hikes, Bay Area employee introductions, even a VW camper bucket-list road trip down the world-famous California coastline — our guides know how to nourish those inner travel urges. Why go overseas when we have so many astonishing destinations in our own backyard? Do you have a teammate in your corner who clearly understands the logistics of California travel?
Contact Casual Luxury Offsites
We are a family-owned tour operator, trained with in-depth knowledge in California travel. Ask us a question about what you desire for your corporate offsite — from budget to luxury to anything in between — and we’ll give you an honest answer, with no hidden fees or runaround. How much is your time worth?